Kochi: A case has been filed against actor and MLA Mukesh following a sexual assault complaint by an actress. The Maradu police have registered the case under non-bailable sections. The actress has alleged that Mukesh committed sexual assault. Additionally, a case has been filed against actor Jayasurya by the Thiruvananthapuram Cantonment police, based on a complaint from the actress. The case against Jayasurya includes non-bailable sections under IPC 354, 354A, and 509. These sections pertain to sexual assault and the humiliation of women.
The actress has stated that the sexual assault occurred during a film shoot at the Secretariat. She recently revealed that Jayasurya assaulted her by forcibly kissing her in the Secretariat’s corridor when she went to the restroom and returned. Following the actress’s complaint, a special investigation team visited her home in Aluva to record her statement.